Inclusion Inspires Innovation
What if inclusion was a way of life, a part of our culture, and didn’t require so much effort?
Research shows that organizations that are diverse AND inclusive have higher-performing employees, higher retention, and produce better products and services, which all translates to better business and higher profits. But inclusion is not just about better profits; it is about creating spaces where everyone is highly valued, feels they belong, and is working towards a purpose. Inclusion can often be an organizational cultural shift and leaders often struggle to find how to lead create workspaces where inclusion becomes the cultural practice rather than a one-off training.
Core Behaviors of Inclusion
The core behaviors of inclusion provide the framework for becoming more inclusive, creating inclusive teams, and building inclusive organizations.
One cannot include different perspectives until they are known. It is important to first learn the issues, the history of the issues and the different perspectives.
Values & Ethics
Inclusion is about valuing people and the differences they bring. Inclusion requires a viewpoint that differences are strengths and that we are better and more innovative when we embrace and celebrate these differences.
Leadership involves setting the example and speaking up when things aren’t right. Leadership requires one to recognize when all people are not being seen and all voices are not being heard and doing something to change it.
Effective communication occurs when the message sent is the same received. This takes consideration of how you are sending the message, checking for receipt, and asking for clarification when the two don’t agree.
Management is not about being careful. It is about responding and interacting in a way that shows value and consideration in others. It requires clear understanding of your own triggers and when others are triggered by you or someone else.
Diversity Without Inclusion is Harmful

Inclusive Me
Building an inclusive organization starts with each individual. Each person must first learn how their own views and behaviors affect others around them. Listening to and incorporating others’ perspectives takes ongoing, focused work and practice. Education about relevant issues, effective communication skills, and incredible self-awareness and self-management are needed to both ensure you are including others as well as speaking up with others are not doing the same. We provide individual coaching and training as well as group training that focuses on the individual and what we can all do, say, think, and fell to create inclusive environments.

Inclusive Teams
Inclusive teams are the most innovative and productive teams around. Each person’s unique perspective and skills bring strength to the team. It is how we work with one another and what we do with our differences that make the difference. Putting diverse people together is not enough. Teams must learn to work through the difficulty of differing strengths and areas of growth so they can move to innovation. Our consultation and training services focus on creating teams that are innovative, strengths-based, and highly productive.

Inclusive Organizations
Inclusive organizations are places where everyone is valued, feels they belong, are working towards a shared purpose, and is making a difference. Creating inclusive organizations is hard work and it requires inclusion becomes part of the culture, where every process, procedure, document, and communication is done through the lens of valuing and including others. Our diversity and inclusion assessments help identify where organizations are lacking and our consultation and training provide the necessary tools organizational leaders need to create inclusive workplaces.
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We develop leaders, create inclusive environments, and strengthen organizational health to ensure the success and sustainability of people-focused organizations using the science of behavior.
We offer courses in the areas of Diversity & Inclusion, Leadership, and Organizational Development.