Focus on Work-Life Balance to Increase Employee Effectiveness

One of the biggest challenges of having a family, healthy social life, and promising career is finding time to do it all. There has been an increasing focus on establishing healthy work-life balances throughout the past several years. While this balance looks different for each person, the outcome is the same for all: a satisfactory level of involvement in all roles of one’s life (Garg & Rani, 2014). This positive balance between the different roles in our lives leads to better functioning and performance at both work and home. Circles with work life benefits written in each

Organizations that provide good work-life balances for their employees tend to have lower turnover rates and absenteeism and higher retention, employee loyalty, and productivity. Additionally, employees who report a sufficient work-life balance also report better mental and physical health, reduced stress, increased job satisfaction, and a greater sense of job security. 

If the benefits are so great, why aren’t more companies focusing on work-life balances? 

In two words, because it’s hard work. 

Creating programs and a culture where work-life balances are a focus are not as easy as rolling out a flexible work schedule or a work from home option. They require careful planning, assurance that all employees can benefit equitably, and the creation of a culture that doesn’t just support it, but actually encourages it. 

Here are some suggestions to create an organizational culture that promotes work-life balance: 

  1. Leaders must not just buy in, they must actively participate in each initiative. 
  2. Each initiative should be evaluated to ensure it is inclusive for all and results in equitable work-life balances for each employee. 
  3. Provide several different opportunities for employees to create a work-life balance for themselves. 
  4. Ensure employees are truly supported as they take advantage of work-life balance initiatives. For example, if they are provided time off or a flexible work schedule, do not fill their inbox with to-do items while they are not working. 
  5. Ensure every position and level within the organization is supporting and participating in initiatives equally. 
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